Building Stronger Communities: Central District Pedestrian Improvements
What has been one of your favorite projects to work on while at CDI?
The Central District Various Counties/Various Routes Pedestrian Improvements project: CDI was the prime consultant on this project where we oversaw and carried out many engineering services towards improving pedestrian routes through 12 communities in central Missouri. We stored site information in a database created by our Infrastructure + Analytics team, designed ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessible sidewalks and intersections using MicroStation Geopak, and consulted with other engineering firms to provide high-quality accessibility for all levels of pedestrian travel. This project has shown me the ins and outs of engineering plan production from the start to where we are thus far, and it has been a very enjoyable assignment for myself and my team.
How did CDI Build Stronger Communities through this project?
This project was meant to improve a community’s roadside transportation system. The CDI’s team effort has been critical towards making sure that ALL community members have access to all locations within our scope of work. CDI strives to ensure that we make an impact within the community where our work is being performed. That said, ensuring that ALL members of the community have a safe and effective roadside travel way is what Building Stronger Communities means to me. Whether it’s a slight improvement or a large improvement, we are all making a difference within the communities that we work in.
Author: Andrew Fry, 2.5 Years at CDI